Insolvency & Restructuring

Our experience covers the entire range of this practice, starting from restructuring under formal and informal procedures towards revival for corporates with early signs of distress, to processes involving actual liquidation and winding down of businesses. We advise clients at the pre insolvency stage or during the corporate insolvency resolution process (advising the committee of creditors or the resolution professional), to acquisition of the stressed asset via an insolvency process. Our integrated approach comprehensively addresses diverse aspects of an insolvency matter including acquisitions, deal structuring, drafting the resolution plan, conducting legal due diligence, conducting meetings with resolution professionals to address concerns and clarify queries. We also represent before the National Company Law Tribunal on behalf of the acquirer to see the matter through to its conclusion.

Lex Patrona guides its clients to the most efficient and practical solutions in diverse bankruptcy situations with varying degree of complexity and stakes. Our extensive experience in representing creditors, distressed corporates, as well as acquirers in the acquisition of companies in insolvency through a ‘resolution plan’ equips us in handholding clients through the entire process.

We have considerable experience in representing acquirers, stressed assets funds, international and domestic banks and financial institutions, trading and finance companies, lenders, issuers, and borrowers in diverse banking and financing transactions. We are frequently involved in structuring, documenting, recovery litigation, asset control and asset reconstruction, debt recovery, and negotiating various secured and unsecured financing transactions. We have dedicated resources for providing seamless advice on Indian laws in relation to cross-border aspects of contentious and non-contentious issues of insolvencies, formal restructurings and out-of-court settlements.

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